O glorious St. Joseph, I sincerely venerate you as the chaste spouse of the Mother of God, as the head of the Holy Family, as the Foster Father of Jesus Christ, as the faithful preserver of the treasures of the Blessed Trinity. In you I venerate the choice of God the Father, who desired to share with you his power over his eternal only begotten Son. In you I venerate the choice of God the Son, who wished to be dependent on you and to owe his subsistance to the labor of your hands. In you I venerate the choice of God the Holy Spirit, who wished to entrust to you his faithful spouse, and to give you to her as her guardian and companion through life. In you I venerate the choice of the Vicar of Christ, who declared you as Patron, Protector, and Defender of the Church, founded by our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Veneration of St. Joseph