20. To Father Stephen Delaude

My dear friend in the Heart of Jesus,
Does it seem possible to you? I have not even had a minute to write a short note to you. Please be patient and wait another time. How many things I need to tell you about Turin. So many forces unknown to us, so many secrets because of our lack of experience, so many spheres of action to be explored by us1. I feel my heart full of affection and my mind saturated by a million various remembrances of this last trip and I would very much like to tell you great things…I will make an effort to sum it all up in one word= the Church still has such resources as to make her enemies tremble – God be praised – portae inferi non praevlaebunt2. Good-bye. Pray and pray much for me and for all. I will do the same. Oremus ad invicem ut salvemur3. Perfect assent to all that you will do in the old intrigues and make new plans to be inserted in the future…Crusaders, pre-crusaders of the apostles4…all that you want, always for the glory of our blessed God.


Good-bye, yours in J.C. Marello J.

  1. There were working in Turin at that time men such as Don Bosci and Don Cocchi, canon Anglesio, the theologians Roberto and Leonardo Murialdo, the theologian Bertagna, Frs. Durando and Carpignano, Count Francesco Viancino, Count Cesare Balbo, etc. 

  2. The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it. 

  3. Let us pray for each other in order to be saved. 

  4. The mind of Fr. Delaude was a true arsenal of every good and beautiful thing (cfr. Letters 25, 26). Seeing the First Vatican Council as a crusade against the enemies of the Church, he had planned a type of pre-crusade preparation. This pre-crusade is spoken of also in Letters 26, 27, 28, 31, 34, 38, 42, and 48 (cfr. Letters 9, 10).