Despite this year 2020 being a time of world crisis, there are still joys and blessings mixed in among
all the fear, sickness and sorrow that the COVID pandemic has brought into our lives. As we near
the end of this unforgettable year, we have cause to rejoice in the 60th anniversary of the priestly ordination of our beloved,
FATHER RAYMOND TABON, OSJ. Father Ray is a native of the Philippines, born January 23,1929, completing his
seminary formation and studies in both the Philippines and Italy. He was ordained an Oblate priest on December 17, 1960
in the chapel of the Missionary Fathers of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy, by His Excellency, Ettore Cunial.
Father Ray has served in numerous capacities within the OSJ congregation throughout his sixty years of service, most notably
as the international novice master in Italy from 1981 – 1986. Many of his novices are now serving in leadership positions
within the congregation throughout the world. Our jubilarian also faithfully served in all of our former parishes within
the Greater Pittston area: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Rocco’s, Pittston; St. Anthony of Padua, Exeter; and currently
in residence at the Oblates of St. Joseph, Laflin. Fr. Ray is known for his availability to the people for the Sacrament of
Confession and spiritual direction. He continues to be an inspiring example for his fellow Oblate confreres and the faithful
because of his humility and deep spirit of prayer.
Congratulations, Fr. Ray, and may Jesus, our Eternal High Priest, continue to bless you as His loving and faithful servant!